Brandon & Tabitha Murdock

Brandon & Tabitha Murdock

A Little of Our Story

 Brandon Murdock and his wife, Tabitha, along with their children, Laurice, Juliana, Logan, and Wesley are church planting missionaries to Germany.   Brandon was saved at the age of fourteen, while Tabitha struggled with remembering her childhood salvation. Brandon and Tabitha met at a Christian school in the 7th grade and dated during their high school years. Brandon graduated from high school, joined the Air Force, and received orders to be stationed in Germany. They were married in Germany four months after Tabitha’s graduation in 2005. 
 Two years later, in 2007, they had their first daughter, Laurice. When she was 9 months old, Brandon was sent on a deployment to Iceland. While Brandon was away, Laurice contracted a virus and almost passed away. She was given a blood transfusion and medication and made a full recovery. God used that trial to draw Brandon and Tabitha back to Himself. When Brandon arrived home a week later his supervisor invited them to a small missionary’s church off base in the little town of Beilingen. It was there that the Lord showed them the great need for Bible preaching churches for the German people. They started attending Eifel Baptist Church and began meeting with their pastor. They learned how to find God’s will for their life and began to pray for God to give them clear direction.
 During their time of waiting, Brandon was sent on a deployment to Israel. After he returned home to Germany, Brandon was rushed to the hospital because of a possible stroke. Many tests were run and it was determined that he had an infection that caused Bell’s Palsy. He never fully recovered and because of his condition he was considered no longer fit for military service. God gave them a clear answer to their prayers! Shortly after, God blessed their family with another daughter, Juliana. In June of 2010, Brandon was medically discharged and their family was sent back home to Georgia. God blessed Brandon with an amazing job, they joined a local church, and began to grow in the Lord. It was there that Tabitha received assurance of her salvation and was baptized. They learned about soul winning, began to share the Gospel with others, and got fully involved in their church. It was during their first Missions Conference in 2011, that they surrendered to God’s calling on their life to full-time Christian work.   Their second year being back home they were blessed with their first son, Logan. God grew their faith even more through trials with Logan’s brittle asthma and severe food allergies. Through their Pastor’s guidance, Brandon spent two years attending their church’s evening Bible College. The college closed in 2014. Brandon and Tabitha began to pray that God would give Brandon a job close to the Bible college that He wanted them to attend. Two months later Brandon was offered a job in Tennessee. God answered their prayers and moved their family to Knoxville, TN. During his time in college, Brandon believed God was directing him into missions work. He took a survey trip to Germany in the summer of 2016. God confirmed the calling for his family to go back to Germany in order to plant German speaking churches. 
 The Lord blessed their family with a second son, Wesley, in 2018. A few months later their family started full-time deputation. They are praying for the Lord to allow them to finish raising support by the end of 2020. God has given the Murdocks a desire to plant German speaking churches in the Eifel Region. This area has never had a German Independent Baptist church! Once a church is established, Brandon will train a national man to take over leadership, and more churches will be planted.

Assistant Pastor-AWANA Commander
Zaviar Thompson
Missionaries to Madagascar
Phil & Vala Long