John & Alisha Walz

John & Alisha Walz

Our Story

Lord, prepare me.

John and Alisha would be willing to admit how unprepared they were when they first landed on the mission field in Harbin China.  The sub-freezing climate, the language, the culture are factors that make church planting difficult for anyone.  However, within two years of beginning their ministries, John was arrested along with everyone involved in Easter services.  After being interrogated, John and Alisha were banned from China and continuing Gospel ministry on the mainland.  They were given ten days to pack what they could from their homes before being forced on a plane to leave the country.

It certainly was not what John and Alisha had imagined for the beginning of their ministry, and left them greatly discouraged.  However, on the last night of their departure.  A young man, Leo, whom John had been studying the Bible with gave his heart to Christ as he made a public testimony of faith.  Leo spake of his fears to publicly announce any sort of commitment to Christ, but after witnessing the persecution of God’s people, it inspired to have courage for Christ and be baptized.  John baptized Leo that night on the profession of faith he made in the sight of our Chinese brothers and sisters.

This experience helped shaped the attitude of counting all things loss for the sake of Christ.  Our lives are filled with credits in order to be spent.  We can either wastefully spend our time on things of no importance, or we can spend it for Christ.   The Walz family returned to America for a short while to prepare for church planting in Taiwan.  During this time John preached this from the pulpit, “Our lives are not about what we have to , but it is what we get to do for Christ!”

Moving Forward

The Walz’ relocated their ministry to Taiwan where they would resume their work of church planting, but with the attitude of counting everything loss for Christ.  The work of winning souls, planting churches, and training leaders is not easy and comes at a high cost of personal sacrifice and self-denial.  It is a faith-lesson that only the crucible of suffering can teach that yields a transcending joy and peace in Christ.

Since our new beginning in Taiwan, we have began Compass Baptist Church and baptized our first converts a few months after the first service began.  We are filled with joy in seeing the kind of transformation only the Gospel can produce in these precious souls.  As we work to continue establishing the first church plant, we have our eyes on the horizon still for future works that will model the Gospel ministry of the first.

What About You?

China Church Plant understands what God can do with surrendered people.  Everyone desires to be a part of something significant and know they spent their time doing something of true worth.  There is nothing more worthwhile than living for Jesus and working to increase the faith and joy of others in Christ.

Become a Disciple of Christ

In order to make disciples, one must become one themselves.  You cannot depart to others of what you do not already possess.  The Gospel is not merely a story with moral lessons.  It is the announcement of Jesus Christ’s victory over sin and death.  It is an event in history that God send His Son to save sinners.  It is news that demands we do not ignore it.  We ask you to yield your life to Christ.  He will forgive and redeem you from sin, and begin a lifetime of teaching you godly living worthy of being called a disciple of Christ.

Partner in the Work

Living for Christ calls for being in unity with other Christians in a local church.  Another principle Jesus taught is we work where the Father works.  There is much that God is doing and has done with China Church Plant.  We believe God would continue to use our ministry to reach all of Taiwan and its 23 million with the Gospel.   It is my prayer that the Lord would re-open the door to China and its millions that need the Gospel.   Prayerfully consider how you might get involved today.

Missionary to Romania
Sarah Weidner-Romania
Missionaries to Taiwan
Adam & Ashley Walz