Adam & Ashley Walz

Adam & Ashley Walz


Hello! My name is Adam. When I was 5 years old, I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. At the age of 7, I remember very clearly a deep desire to serve the Lord and preach His word. When I was 16, I began traveling as an intern with a children’s evangelist. Once I turned 20, I started on my own full time.In 2018 the Lord made it clear to my wife and I that He was leading us to become missionaries. I didn’t know that entailed or where He would lead us, I just knew we had to obey and follow. After all, it’s not that we HAVE TO, we GET TO! 


I grew up in a Christian home where my parents were faithful in bringing me to church every time the doors were open. It was there. When I was 8 years old, it was there that I realized my need for a Savior and asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins. As I got older, God really burdened my heart to give my life to Him. As a teenager, I remember coming to Him broken and telling Him that my life was His. I wanted to live out His purpose and plan, not my own. Through studying God’s Word and prayer, He led me to ministry. God brought Adam into my life and has burdened us both to train leaders in the country of Taiwan.


Our primary goal will be to share the Gospel, start churches, and train men in Taiwan. We want to train up young men who will continue the work of the Gospel, long after we are gone.

Missionary to Romania
Sarah Weidner-Romania
Missionary to Papua New Guinea
Sailas Steven