Jaron & Nicki Rogers

Jaron & Nicki Rogers

We are Jaron and Nicki Rogers. Our family was approved as Career Baptist Bible Fellowship missionaries to Nicaragua in May 2015. Prior to that, we served an internship as TEAM missionaries in Carazo, Nicaragua with Jaron’s parents, Jason & Tammy Rogers. Jaron is a graduate of Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO majoring in missions and Nicki is completing her degree from Louisiana Baptist University also majoring in missions. Our sending church is First Baptist Church, Webster, TX. We have two children, Noelia & Evali

our vision

our vision is to intentionally disciple local believers, train them up in The Word, so they then can replicate and multiply to expand the Kingdom.
It is our desire to establish strong national churches in Carrazo, Nicaragua.
Our purpose is threefold: Evangelize (personally and via church outreach); Baptize believers (thus establishing the local church); teach (train, disciple) believers in the Word of God so that they may “rightly divide the Word of Truth”

Assistant Pastor-AWANA Commander
Zaviar Thompson
Senior Pastor/Pastor's Wife
Bryson & Chandra Thompson